Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Memento Adaptation

I thought that the adaptation of the movie was different but just as good as the original story.  There were some similarities like the alternating scenes and the stories in those scenes.  It had the same idea as the story, where a guy with a memory problem is trying to avenge his wife's death by killing her murderer.  The way he trained himself to remember were also the same in both versions, where the wrote notes on post-its and took pictures of things.  There were also similarities in the way that the main character would and other people would mess with him.  For example, in the story, Bart bought himself a bell so later on he would wander why he has a bell.  In the movie, Leonard made up his own illusion of who killed his wife.  Overall, I could see the resemblance between the story and movie are evident.
The one thing that was different in the movie from the story that I liked was that the story progressed backwards, where the first thing that you saw in one scene was the last thing you saw in the next, it kept you thinking.  Another interesting thing about the movie was the surprising ending, it made you think that everything that Leonard went through was made up and he won't even know the difference.  I also found it interesting how Natalie used Leonard to get rid of Dodd and Teddy, and Leonard didn't even know that he was being used.
I liked the movie, I think that it is one of those types of movies that you need to watch over and over again to catch and analyze everything.  This is my fifth or sixth time watching the movie and every time, I see new things.  One new thing I got from watching this time was that I felt like Natalie knew Leonard was friends with Teddy and found a way to kill Teddy, who is the person that Natalie thinks killed Jimmy, but in reality it was Leonard who killed him.  This is one of my favorite movies.

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